Valentine Feeling Good

Please share her story. The love and support of the community has saved this life.

Posted on March 2, 2012, in Stories of Recovery and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. To the wonderful people who took part in Valentine’s care,i would like to say”Thank You” for saving this life..with Donations from the publc and all the love that you gave her.May God the Father Bless you all,and keep you in his care.I can only hope that someone out there,’GETS CAUGHT” for this horrific crime.

  2. Kathy Wardlow Ingwerson

    I haven’t been able to get Valentine off my mind since this happened. Could you please update us all on her current status? Is she still with you? I’m thrilled to see they caught the horrid kid who did this to Valentine. One truly sick person!

    I’m making a small contribution to you today in her name. Does the vet still need contributions toward her care? I have their phone number.

    Any info at all will be very welcomed. There are a group of us wonding how she is.

    Thank you!


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