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VALENTINE’S DAY IN JUNE 2nd annual Event

Saturday June 1st at Pioneer Park 33269 Old Woman Springs Rd, Lucerne Valley, CA   11am to 3pm

Please come and join us this year to continue our mission to educate the community about animal abuse. Valentine’s friends from Wolf Mountain Rescue, Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary, White Rock Horse Rescue will be their with some of their special friends. We will have food, fun, winners from Lucerne Valley Elementary Poster/coloring Contest. Alex will return to give us some fun demonstrations on dog training. Awakhen Feral Cat, Animal Action League and SB WE Tip and Animal protection services will also coming. A Valentine Kissing/photo booth, Sam’s Puppets and other fun activities will all be their to celebrate Valentine’s love of Life. All socialized and leashed dogs welcome too.

valentine on March 1 2013

Valentine’s New Year Resolution

Valentine is doing really good.  She walks like a pro with her new prosthetic, and swims like dog with her life vest on.  If she has any memories of the evil that nearly killed her she doesn’t let on. Her spirit and resolve to believe all people are good amazes us all here at Sounds of Silent Spirits Rescue.  Recently she has helped one of our new rescue Pit Bull Terrier adjust to her new life.  Valentine reassures Christmas Angel that at least some humans truly love her and won’t hurt her.  Valentine is a beautiful reminder that we can change the world with just a simple act of kindness instead of selfishness.  We like to believe that Valentine’s New Year Resolution is to remind us of that.  Happy New Year everyone.Valentine and Christmas Angel                                                                                                                     Left to right: Christmas Angel, Chuck and Valentine.

This Holiday Adopt your new Pet

Do I Go Home Today?CIMG0563

By Sandi Thompson ~

My family brought me home
cradled in their arms.
They cuddled me and smiled at me,
and said I was full of charm.

They played with me and laughed with me,
they showered me with toys.
I sure do love my family
especially the girls and boys.

The children loved to feed me, CIMG0218
they gave me special treats.
They even let me sleep with them
all snuggled in the sheets.

I used to go for walks,
often several times a day.
They even fought to hold my leash,
I’m very proud to say.

These are things I’ll never forget
a cherished memory.
I now live in a shelter
without my family.

They used to laugh and praise me
when I played with that old shoe.
But I didn’t know the difference
between the old ones and the new.

The kids and I would grab a rag
for hours we would tug.
So I thought I did the right thing
when I chewed the bathroom rug.  CIMG0343

They said that I was out of control,
and would have to live outside.
This I did not understand
although I tried and tried.

The walks stopped, one by one;
they said they hadn’t time.
I wish that I could change things,
I wish I knew my crime.  image005

My life became so lonely,
in the back yard on a chain.
I barked and barked all day long
to keep from going insane.

So they brought me to the shelter
but were embarrassed to say why.
They said I caused an allergy,
and then, kissed me goodbye.

If I’d only had some classes,
as a little pup
I wouldn’t have been so hard to handle
when I was all grown up.

“You only have one day left,” face
I heard the worker say.
Does this mean a second chance?
Do I go home today?

Rescue me Now!!

Help! we need an LA Area Pitty group to take in this poor dog

Pit is located in Woodland Hills, found several days ago.

Found several days ago with  choke markings on neck, ears and legs have gashes as if he were used as dog bait….

As you can see in the photo, he is severely malnourished. He was given vitamins and food. He is slowly but surely coming back to life, and responds so well to all this attention. He ate and ate and ate…..until the cows came home!! :))

He is unaltered but seems socialized.

The fact that he has been through so much in his 2-3 years of life, he is lovable and affectionate. We really want him to find a good foster and/or rescue. We are willing to help in any way we can. We have a leash, collar, food, bed, blanket, towel. We will neuter the dog.

Inquiries about this dog can be sent to and

Fundraising Update

As of today (Feb. 18, 2012), just a week after Valentine came to us, thousands of messages of support and over 600 donations have poured in, thank you very much. Your kindness is humbling.

There is such an outpouring of support; it’s hard to know how much money will be raised, or what it will cost for Valentine’s vet bills and longer term care. If we raise more money than Valentine needs, we will use donations to help the community of animals we have rescued who are currently living with us and any new abuse cases. The Majority of our sanctuary animals came to us severely injured by abuse, by farm equipment, or vehicle. These Sanctuary animals are in a different Class than our rescue as they will live their precious lives with in our protected haven.

Of course, if you’ve specifically requested that we use your donation only for Valentine, it has been ear-marked as such. You can find the most recent updates on how Valentine is doing at our website: we are also posting updates on our Facebook page, find us there under Sounds of Silent Spirits, like our page and stay up to date as this dog continues her journey of healing. Again, thanks to all of you for your love and support. As you can imagine this has been very emotional for all our Volunteers at Sounds of Silent Spirits.

Valentine’s story is one that gives us all hope because a community has stood up and said that this dog will not be lost to human cruelty. We are the guardians, they are the angels. Please share valentine’s story.

Valentine is doing well

Valentine came through her surgery to amputate her right paw yesterday afternoon. She is still heavily sedated but recovering quite well. She was fitted for her prosthetic this morning!!!! But it will be awhile before she can wear it; healing is essential. She will be fitted by OrthoPets. WE will keep all of you updated on “Valentine’s” progress. Sincerely, Sounds of Silent Spirits.

Valentine has a comfy bed and even new blankets!